Friday, June 14, 2013

     Yay!! So today my brother is going to go through the temple to be able to go on his mission. I am so excited for him!! I really wish that I could go throught the temple with him,but alas, I am too young and can't. I was going to go do baptisms while they were doing a session but no one could go with me:( At least I can go to dinner with them afterwards.
     Today I taught my dog, Tuff, a new trick! He now knows how to walk in his hind legs! It's really cute to watch him walk around the yard. Brooke, my other dog, just looks at him like whatcha doing?? She is also very cute. She likes to jump into my lap and is very possesive of it. If Tuff tries to sit on my lap she will get really mad and nip at him. Those two cuties are the funniest to watch.
     By now you all have probably realized my obsession with Doctor Who. I have news! I have 12 new pages of quotes to put into my smash book! I am so excited! There is so many quotes I still haven't found!
     Now that I have bored you all with my life I better go get my dogs and tell them to stop barking.

-The Editor